Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year

For me a new year always feels like a new start. To some, it seems silly, but for me it has always felt like a new beginning. A perfect day to re-evaluate the last year, take a look at life and decide what makes you happy and what doesn’t make you happy. A time to set goals and decide what the next year will look like. I feel so in control on January 1st. I know there will be things that will happen throughout the next year that I cannot control, but by focusing on the things I CAN control I will make the most of 2013.

2012 was kind of a crappy year. A lot of things that I could not control took place. I lost my Aunt, and recently lost my Grandpa. Death is not something that I have experienced a lot of before this year, and it doesn’t get any easier. Losing people you love, and seeing others you love in pain is very, very hard. Raising a 3 year old, while I love my baby, has been challenging. Dave and I have learned a lot as parents, and I feel like things are getting easier, but man is 3 though!  Dave and I both got new jobs. Not that getting new jobs was a bad thing, we are both so happy, which has made life a little easier. However the stress of starting a new job was a bit much.

Moving on to 2013, I have set a few goals for the year. Each year I try to set goals and always seem to set way too many. This year, I scaled it back and focused on what I really want to accomplish in 2013.

1-      Register Charlie for Sunday School and attend Church regularly – and tonight I registered Charlie, so Sunday we will be there!

2-      Begin taking piano lessons

3-      Pay extra on our mortgage each month

4-      Make some healthy lifestyle changes (I need to lose 10 pounds and we would like to have another baby, so some changes are in order)

5-      Start a gratitude journal and write in it weekly

6-      Go on more dates with my husband

I will check back in with my progress throughout the year. I wish you all a happy New Year and hope you the best in 2013.

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