Wednesday, January 12, 2011


July of 2010 Charlie had tubes put in his ears. After about a million ear infections and going through every possible antibiotic multiple times, we made the decision to have tubes. Not going to lie, it was NOT a fun experience. We were at the hospital at 7 am and waited about an hour and a half before Charlie got called back. Mind you... he could not eat or drink. An 11 month old baby who is hungry,thirsty and bored is NOT a fun baby to be around. Below is a picture of Charlie and I right before he went in to surgery.

Charlie was a little trooper, he was his happy self after surgery... and some food! The tubes seemed to help a little... we only had 4 ear infections in the following 5 months. The only difference between ear infections before the tubes and ear infections after was the amount of NASTY discharge! EWWWW!

Last week I got a call from daycare (as you mom's know... when daycare's number pops up on your caller ID your heart stops beating for a minute) saying... Charlie's left ear tube fell out. They saved it in a little baggie and we brought it home that night. And yes, I will be the crazy mother who keeps it :)

Today we visited our ENT and it has been decided that Charlie will have surgery again in the next few weeks to replace his left ear tube. As much as I am NOT looking forward to surgery, and as much as it scares the crap out of me for him to go under, I know the tubes help him!

I blame all of Charlie's ear problems on his father. Dave had 4 or 5 sets of tubes when he was little. And I, have NEVER had tubes in my life. I feel confident in saying it is "all Dave's fault!" :)

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