Friday, January 28, 2011


Each Sunday I set my goals for the week. I carry my little purple notebook with me everywhere... tracking my progress and to journal in. A few weeks ago I traded Barb (Dave's mom) my elliptical for her treadmill. I began to set goals around running, first it started with running 1 miles 3-4 times a week, then it went up to 1.25, and now 3 weeks into my running I am at 1.5 miles 3-4 times a week! I am never too sure how fast to increase my distance, but so far I feel like I'm doing OK.

So 3-4 times a week I get my butt out of bed at 5:15, make my way down to the basement to hop on the treadmill. I pop in my Ipod and jam out! Some days I get done and it seems like that was the easiest thing that I have ever done, some days 1/2 way through I want to die, and some days my legs feel like they weigh 100 pounds EACH! Whatever kind of day it is, I push through until I reach my goal (and sometimes even exceed it) and I feel like A MILLION BUCKS! It puts me in a great mood for the day, gets me energized (no need for coffee anymore) and I don't have to worry about working out the entire day!

If you haven't tried working out in the morning I highly recommend it... try it out and you will be hooked! Just like I am!!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Cougars, wolves and hedgehogs..... Oh MY!

One night last week Charlie, Dave and I decided to do something a little out of the norm. We went to go visit wildlife at the mall... I know it sounds absolutly crazy and white-trashy, which it kind of was, but it was so cool! Charlie got to pet the little baby cougar....

we also got to see 3 wolves and pet a hedgehog. The cougar was so cute, I could have brought him home! Charlie was WAY more interested in the dead animals (skins) than the live ones.... kind of weird. But we all had a great time. Channel 13 was there doing a story and I was interviewed... so cool! If you would like to see the video go to Channel 13's website and you can find it there! What a fun experience, and it was Charlie's T.V. debut. He is probably going to be a movie star some day, so we will have to remember this, his first minutes of fame!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


July of 2010 Charlie had tubes put in his ears. After about a million ear infections and going through every possible antibiotic multiple times, we made the decision to have tubes. Not going to lie, it was NOT a fun experience. We were at the hospital at 7 am and waited about an hour and a half before Charlie got called back. Mind you... he could not eat or drink. An 11 month old baby who is hungry,thirsty and bored is NOT a fun baby to be around. Below is a picture of Charlie and I right before he went in to surgery.

Charlie was a little trooper, he was his happy self after surgery... and some food! The tubes seemed to help a little... we only had 4 ear infections in the following 5 months. The only difference between ear infections before the tubes and ear infections after was the amount of NASTY discharge! EWWWW!

Last week I got a call from daycare (as you mom's know... when daycare's number pops up on your caller ID your heart stops beating for a minute) saying... Charlie's left ear tube fell out. They saved it in a little baggie and we brought it home that night. And yes, I will be the crazy mother who keeps it :)

Today we visited our ENT and it has been decided that Charlie will have surgery again in the next few weeks to replace his left ear tube. As much as I am NOT looking forward to surgery, and as much as it scares the crap out of me for him to go under, I know the tubes help him!

I blame all of Charlie's ear problems on his father. Dave had 4 or 5 sets of tubes when he was little. And I, have NEVER had tubes in my life. I feel confident in saying it is "all Dave's fault!" :)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Family Traditions...

I am ALL about new family traditions.. I love everything about them! I love having something that the entire family can be a part of & look forward to! Our newest family tradition is "Friday Night Breakfast and a Movie". Each Friday we rent a movie and have breakfast for dinner!

This week we had french toast and watched Easy A. My plan is to keep this tradition going for many years, when Charlie is 16 he will still be spending Friday nights home with his parents watching a movie and eating breakfast! :) I know that is totally a mothers dream... not too many 16 year old boys spend Friday nights home with their parents!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

2011 Has Begun!

Happy New Year! 2010 was an amazing year and Dave, Charlie and I have so much to be thankful for! The start to 2011 has sparked a lot of discssion in our house about goals! As I'm sure it has in many households... but this year will be different (as I'm sure many people are saying).

 This blog is one of my goals. I want to keep in touch with people, keep people updated on what is going on in our lives, which is kind of hard to to with a 16 month old. Hopefully this blog will make it a little easier for me! The other goals I have set for 2011 (excluding a couple that I don't feel are necessary to share) are:

1. Do more "little things" for others
2. Make exercising a priority
3. Run a 5K
4. Run a 10K
5. Make eating healthy a priority
6. Make a new healthy recipe once a month 
7. Eat less meat
8. Don't talk on the phone while driving
9. Meet more moms
10. Start a blog (look at me, I'm already working on this one!)
11. Go on 1 relaxing vacation
12. Go to 1 concert
13. Watch less T.V. 

I know myself, and I know I will need support to reach these goals. Dave has promised to support me in my efforts and me in his, however I will need MORE support, and that is why I am sharing my goals! For you, my friends and family to hold me accountable. So if you see me gnawing on a pork chop, stop me! :)

As you can tell by the title of the blog: camo pants, high heels and binkies, this blog is not only about me, but my family too! I'm very excited about 2011!