Sunday, April 28, 2013

First Trimester with Baby McChesney!

It’s finally over, and I survived! Today marked the last day of my first trimester… AMEN! Don’t get me wrong, I am so thankful and blessed to be pregnant, but man the first 12 weeks have been rough! Here is the pleasant, and some not so pleasant wrap up of my first trimester:

-          Week 3 – positive pregnancy test! I was so excited I cried then called Dave and my mommy. I texted my sisters, my sister-in-law, and my mother-in-law. Seeing that pink plus sign was the most glorious thing after trying for over 1 year!

-          Exhaustion set in... MAJORLY! I could not keep my eyes open. There were multiple nights Dave would get home around 6:30 and I would hit the hay for the night. Thank you to my supportive husband for letting me sleep. My 1 hour “workout” time after work turned into 1 hour nap time, I was in bed by 8 every night, and still staying awake through the day was a STRUGGLE!

-          Nausea set in… kind of ½ bad, but still not pleasant in any way shape or form. The second, and I mean the second my stomach was remotely empty I got this awful nauseous feeling. I NEVER got sick; even though sometimes I wished I could just get sick and be done with it! So, I ate… eating seemed to make everything better because my stomach never had the chance to get empty. This is probably why I gained as much weight I did!

-          Week 8 – first ultrasound…. It’s a healthy baby measuring 8 weeks 3 days (exactly what I had calculated). Due date is November 4, 2013. And everyone is excited; Hope’s only stipulation is that he/she can’t be born on her birthday (October 27th)!

-          Week 12 – Belly POP! I went from not looking pregnant at all to looking 5 months pregnant over night! I guess what “they” say is right… with the second you start to show WAY earlier!

-          Week 12 – started to wear maternity clothes. Yes, I can probably squeeze into my non-maternity wear, but why squeeze? Why sit uncomfortably when I have these fabulous pants that expand?

-          Week 12 – Shared the baby news with Charlie! He is very excited and asks lots of questions. He also tells EVERYONE that “there is a baby in my mommy’s tummy.”

-          Week 12 – Inventory of baby clothes. I took my clip board, along with a spreadsheet and inventoried all of the baby clothes we have before a HUGE consignment sale started on April 25th. If we have a boy, we will not have to buy ANYTHING… there is so much there! If we have a girl we are pretty much starting from scratch!

Everyone seems to think it’s a girl (even Charlie), except my father. He seems to be pretty confident that it is a boy.  

Trimester 1 –
Weight Gain: + 5 pounds - eeek... I hope this does not set the scene for weight gain through the rest of the pregnancy!
Cravings: Food, just food in general. Mostly carbs and crunchy stuff.
Name Options Discussed: Boy – Henry (really the only one being discussed right now), and Girl – Ava, Zoe, Lila, lots of others because we have NO idea what we would name a girl!

And finally, my baby belly on the last day of my first trimester –

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