Sunday, July 22, 2012


It is Sunday night and our mini-vacation to Lake Ozark has ended. While it was not exactly what we expected, it was a ton of family fun!

To start Dave and I took Thursday off so that we could leave early and get to town to go grocery shopping before the rest of the family got there. I spent a lot of time meal planning and created an all inclusive shopping list. I love to grocery shop, so I was really looking forward to it.

The drive from Des Moines to Osage Beach, MO. is about 6 hours.... unless you are married to Mario Andretti, like I am. When you marry someone, you soon realize that there are things that you just cannot do with your spouse. Seeing as you are planning to spend your whole life with that person, you try to avoid the things that just don't work, but sometimes it is unavoidable. Some of the things that Dave and I cannot do together:

1. Play on the same team in any team sport
2. Play on different teams in any team sport
3. Drive together in the same vehicle

I do realize that we HAVE to drive together, but if we can we avoid it we do. The first step we took was to stop car pooling to work, which usually ended with a slammed car door and someone having a bad day. Seeing as it seemed really unreasonable to drive separate cars to Missouri to avoid an argument, I was prepared for one. Add to that a potty-training toddler and you have a recipe for disaster :) No, it really wasn't too bad. Charlie was GREAT, and he didn't have any accidents. We stopped about a million times, and every time we did I would carry in his Lightning McQueen potty to use as a stool. I never realized how most public bathrooms are really not built well for young children. Every time Charlie and I head to a public restroom I turn into my mother, "don't touch anything" comes out of my mouth about 100 times!

So we got to our condo, which is owned by my some-day-to-be brother in law's family. When we arrived we punched in the code and surprise there were people there! It would have been a great surprise, had we known the people :) Turns out the property management company screwed up. So, while Nick and his wonderful father tried to figure out where we were going to stay, I started calling resorts. We ended up staying at Tan-Tar-A resort for the night. My mother approved because her and my father had been there before (probably sometime in the early nineties) and she remembers it being nice. Turns out it was EXACTLY what she remembered, nothing had changed :) LOL! But we enjoyed the night - Charlie and I swam at the indoor water park (which is not included in the $160/night price tag of the room- surprise!), we ordered pizza, and hung out as a family!

The next day (Friday) we checked out and having no where to go, spent the day at the pools on Tan-Tar-A. We had a blast, relaxing in the water, drinking, and visiting! Around 4:00 we headed to the property management company to get our keys (they found us a different condo free of charge due to the mix up).... and it wasn't ready yet, they were running behind :) surprise!

We made it to the condo all in one piece and once again took a step back in time, with flowered couches and all! The woman who owned the condo also had some sort of foot fetis and the entire condo was decorated with feet and shoes.... it was weird. Needless to say, I finally got to go on my grocery shopping trip. Like always we bought WAY too much food!

Saturday was fun on the boat, Nick is such a wonderful host and they have all sorts of fun stuff for the boat. Tubes, water ski's, floaties... everything you need to have fun on a lake. Charlie loved the boat, he even relaxed enough to nap...

The rest of the trip was pretty smooth sailing, we spent Saturday night in and had dinner to celebrate Dave's birthday! Which brings us to tonight... home, tired, and ready for the week to start! 

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