Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Charlie's Hair

I have gone back and forth about Charlie's hair, and I continue to debate what we should do with it. I love his blond locks and I love the idea of long baby hippie hair :) Every once in a while I find a cute hair do and decide it is time to cut it.... then thankfully Kaitlyn makes me think twice before making any rash decisions, and I always change my mind. By the way, Kaitlyn has stopped me from making A LOT of bad hair decisions! Below is a picture of Bruce and Charlie... with his growing hair :)

The problem we have had for months now, is that Charlie's hair is ALWAYS in his eyes. He is always tipping his head backwards so that he can see under his bangs. Below is a picture of Ryder, Kate Hudson's son. I would LOVE it if Charlie's hair could some day look like that!

I have been working on ways to keep his hair out of his eyes until it is long enough to tuck behind his ears. I have tried gel, which works (not all day) but for most of the day. However, at night, combing through it is NOT fun for me or Charlie. So this week I decided to go for it and put a clip in his hair. I went to Walgreens and bought black clips, so it is not like he is wearing pink sparkelie ones! But some of the looks/comment's I have gotten you would have thought I put the kid in a pink tutoo! Our pediatrition even said something! My thinking is, why do YOU care what MY kid's hair looks like? He isn't even 2, so its not like kids are making fun of him at school, they don't even know the difference between boys and girls! Plus, Charlie say's that he likes his hair. The minute he says he doesn't, we will cut it. Until then, I am going to enjoy my gorgeous little boy and his gorgeous hair! 

Thursday, July 21, 2011

12 Month Healthy Habit Program

At the beginning of July, I decided to begin a 12 month Healthy Habit Program. Each month, I will focus on 1 healthy activity. The plan is that focusing on 1 activity per month will allow enough time to make it a habit. Then, the next month, I will add a new healthy goal to focus on. HOPEFULLY the previous goal will now be a habit, so I won't NEED to focus on it. Some of the goals that I want to focus on are:

1.       Increase fruit intake
2.       Increase veggie intake
3.       Cardio  
4.       Strength training
5.       Improve sleep
6.       Reduce stress
7.       Floss
8.       Increase healthy recipes
9.       Decrease sweets/make them more healthy
10.   Decrease T.V. time
11.   Decrease the amount of alcohol I drink
12.   Monthly breast exams
13.   Increase “lifestyle” activity level
14.   Decrease sodium intake
For July, I chose cardio. My goal is to do cardio 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes per time. And the odd part is, my July goal started while we are on vacation... and I still did well! And since then it has been going well too!

Another positive thing that came out of vacation is... Bruce & Kristi decided to start making healthy lifestyle changes! It makes me so happy that we as a family are talking about healthy eating and exercising! We will be happy & healthy together!