Thursday, September 13, 2012

Lady of Leisure

As many of you know, I am starting a new job tomorrow with the Iowa Department of Public Health. While I am extremely excited to get started, I thought it would be nice to take a few days off in between gigs to relax and get some stuff done around the house. And I learned some things about myself -even though it was only 4 days! If I were a full time Lady of Leisure…

… I would weigh 200 pounds, quickly. It is probably because our house is full of chips, candy, cookies, etc. I usually don’t eat them that much (besides candy corn), but when you are home alone it is almost like the Candy Corn Oreo’s are calling your name. They don’t like to sit in the dark pantry alone; they want to be in your nice warm belly!

… OR I would be the most fit person ever. I would never have an excuse for not working out. It would be glorious. I could train for marathons, learn how to swim really well, maybe even take up fencing.

… I would need a husband that made MILLIONS of dollars each year. In my 4 days at home, I spend a pretty hefty chunk of change. Wal-Mart and Target are addictive, and you always walk out with way more than what was on your list. And Von Maur… I haven’t spent time alone in Von Maur in a really long time. They have the most amazing stuff! I struggled to find stuff on my shopping day, and then once I bought one thing I just kept on going. It’s amazing what that first purchase can do.

… I would get my nails done weekly. And I would color my hair all the time. I would pretty much just spend a lot of time at Bella with Kailtyn.

… I would have a REALLY clean house. I am usually pretty good about keeping our house clean, but this week, I got a ton done. You could eat off my bathroom floor. I wouldn’t do it because eating in the bathroom weirds me out, but I could if I wanted to.

… the people at Barnes & Nobel would know me by name. I could spend all day there browsing.

… I would drink a lot of coffee. Being at home, working around the house, relaxing reading a book, poking around the book store… all of this is better with a cup of Joe.

… I would also drink a lot of wine. Wine with lunch is always a good thing, and when there is no “work” to get in your way for the afternoon, why not?

… I would have tons of projects. I am a planner, if I don’t have anything to plan, I go crazy.

… I would watch Ricky Lake every day. Did you know she has a show again? I didn’t either. I only watched about 3 hours of T.V. over the last 4 days, but I made sure to tune in to Ricky!

Maybe someday I will be a Lady of Leisure, but for now I must work. Actually to tell you the truth I have been going a wee bit crazy without work. I don’t feel productive, I like to feel productive, I need to work. Last night I went to book club (which is full of teachers) and asked “how do you have a summer off and not go crazy.” They all had a lot of good tips, that I will try to remember if I ever find myself in a Lady of Leisure situation.